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Federal Monitors Want to Know What Mississippi Families Think about Special Education Services

Every five years, monitors from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) visit states to evaluate their special education services. In late October, they will be in Mississippi to review special education services for children ages 3-21. To prepare for their visit, the monitors want feedback from families of children who receive special education services.

The monitors recently met virtually with groups of Mississippi families to hear about their experiences with special education. Not all families knew about or were able to attend these meetings. If you have a child ages 3-21 who receives special education services in Mississippi (or if you are trying to get special education services for your child) and you did not attend one of the virtual meetings, you can email Shannon M. O’Neill, Ed.D. at to share your feedback. You can ask her to keep your name confidential related to your feedback.

These are the questions the OSEP monitors asked in the group meetings to give you ideas on things that might be helpful to share with Dr. O’Neill:

1. When you started your journey in special education for your child, how did you first get information about special education services in schools, either in preschool or school-age?

2. What training, information, or supports did you receive to participate in the special education process for your child?

3. How does your district ensure your ability to participate in the IEP process?
a. Are meetings being scheduled at times and locations that work for you?
b. Do you get notice early enough to ensure your opportunity to attend?
c. Have you requested a different time, day or location of the meeting and were those requests honored?

4. How have you and your family participated as a team member in the development, review, and revisions to your child’s individualized education program (IEP)?  Please describe the role you played in helping decide the services included in your child’s IEP.

5. Describe how your district includes you in making eligibility decisions under IDEA for your child. What has been your experience?

6. How would you rate the provision of services for your child?  In what ways, if any, do you think services could be improved?

The next set of questions concerns “your rights,” which are also called “parent rights” and “procedural safeguards” under Part B of the IDEA.

7. Within the last year, have you received a copy of your rights from your school district?

8. How has your district helped you understand your rights under IDEA?
a. Have you ever asked a question about your rights? How did the LEA staff respond?
b. What happens if you don’t understand your rights? Who do you turn to for help?
c. Do you feel confident and safe discussing your parental rights and concerns about your child with State personnel?

9. Within the past year, have you had to file a state complaint, request mediation, or a due process hearing?  If so, please tell us about your experience.

10. If you have contacted Mississippi’s Office of Special Education Services, please describe your experiences with reporting your concerns and any resolutions to those concerns.
a. How did the State staff assist you when you contacted them?
b. What services did they make available to you? Were the dispute resolution options provided?
c. Have you accessed the State’s website for support and/or resources?

The next set of questions asks about “non-compliance,” which means your district is not providing the services or accommodations described in your child’s IEP.

11. Have you ever experienced or observed special education services and supports that you believe were not in compliance with Part B of the IDEA? (e.g., services not being provided in the correct setting or the identified amount of time, or type of service as outlined on the IEP)

12. Please share your experiences related to your child receiving the services outlined in their IEP.

13. Has your child ever experienced a delay in receiving services outlined in the IEP?

14.  Has your child ever experienced a delay in receiving an evaluation?  Has your child ever been placed on a waiting list for an evaluation?

15. Please share any general strengths or positive experiences you have had with your child’s school(s), the district, and/or the State.

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