In May of this year, the Division of Medicaid proposed to discontinue Mississippi Youth Programs Around the Clock (MYPAC) in response to a legislative funding freeze and federal feedback on how the Centers for Medicaid Services will reimburse for the service. The proposed policy was open for comments for 25 days and a public hearing was held June 11. At the time of this writing, the transcript of the hearing was not yet published on Medicaid’s website. We have requested a copy of it or to be notified when it will be posted.
MYPAC was discontinued July 1 and replaced with a broader approach to wraparound with medically necessary services billed separately, as explained in this update from the Mississippi Division of Medicaid. The Division is now proposing to bring back a version of MYPAC. This proposed policy was open for comment through July 30.
These are the public comments that Families as Allies submitted. Regardless of the outcome of this policy, our primary concerns are that families be allowed to choose who provides their wraparound and services, that services be individualized to the needs of families, that best practices for wraparound be used and that services are evaluated, accountable and coordinated with other parts of the system of care.
If you have feedback about our comments, feel free to contact Joy Hogge at or 601-355-0915.