We are so excited to once again host in-person leadership training from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m on Saturday, June 25, at Hinds Behavioral Health in Jackson. This training is for parents, caregivers and anyone interested in learning to serve on groups and committees that make decisions and create policies. The training is free, but registration is required.
The Family Voices National Center for Family Professional Partnerships developed this training, preparing families and caregivers to serve side by side with policymakers on decision-making committees. It prepares families to not only advocate for their own children but also to advocate for effective policies for all children.
Parents and caregivers who complete this training may be eligible for a stipend. To receive stipends, parents and caregivers must attend all sessions, modules 1-8. The trainer will read the evaluation questions after each module, and participants will complete them as they are read. Parents and caregivers receiving a stipend must also turn in all course evaluations. Stipends are paid by check and require that the recipient complete a W-9 form. You can download a W-9 here.
If you have questions or want additional information about the training, contact Henry Moore at hmoore@faams.org or 601-355-0915. You can also contact Henry if you wish to schedule a training in your area.