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Commenting on MDMH Standards: Wraparound, MYPAC and Intensive Community Support

  • Post category:Action Alert

Wraparound is a nationally recognized, evidenced-based care coordination model that lets families pick the services they believe will work best for them from their chosen providers. It is in state law. By definition, initial wraparound care coordination must occur before any services are delivered. Mississippi Youth Programs Around the Clock  (MYPAC) and Intensive Community Outreach and Recovery Teams (ICORT) are two service models developed in Mississippi to serve children with significant needs and their families.

You can read the proposed standards for Wraparound, MYPAC and ICORT  on these pages of the proposed standards:

  • Standards for Wraparound p. 303
  • Standards for Mississippi Youth Programs Around the Clock p.273
  • Standards for Intensive Community Outreach and Recovery Teams (ICORT) for children and youth, p. 272

We believe the proposed standards need to clarify that wraparound is for care coordination, and families must always have a choice in services and service providers. We also believe that the populations of children to be served by Wraparound, MYPAC, and ICORT overlap and need to be clarified through the lens of wraparound care coordination. We will likely comment on these standards:

Rule 32.16.G: Wraparound Facilitation Services can be provided in conjunction with Intensive Community Outreach and Recovery Services.

32.18.A.7: Each MYPAC therapist will serve only children/youth receiving MYPAC services (children/youth and their families have the option to request Wraparound Facilitation as an additional service) and will have a maximum caseload of 20 children/youth.  The provider agency must maintain a roster for each MYPAC therapist of children/youth served for review.

32.18.B.3: MYPAC services must be included in the Individual Service Plan (ISP) and, if also receiving Wraparound Facilitation Services, the Wraparound Plan of Care. MYPAC services are provided to children/youth based on their needs identified in the treatment plan.

32.18.B.5: If the child/youth is receiving Wraparound Facilitation Services, the provider needs to have input into the Wraparound Plan of Care (which needs to be available for review upon request). If the child/youth is receiving MYPAC and Wraparound Facilitation Services, the therapist from the provider agency must participate monthly in the Child and Family Team Meetings. In the event that the child/youth is no longer receiving Wraparound Services, the MYPAC provider MUST complete all required forms (e.g., Individual Service Plan, Individual Crisis Support Plan, Recovery Support Plan, etc.) within 14 business days of discharge from Wraparound Facilitation.

32.18.F.5: If the child/youth is participating in Wraparound Facilitation, the MYPAC provider must be a participating team member and attend the monthly Child and Family Team Meetings. The MYPAC provider must show evidence of attendance of the Child and Family Team Meeting in the child/youth’s record (e.g., copy of sign-in sheet).

32.18.G.10: Each child/youth who receives both Wraparound Facilitation services and MYPAC services must have in the record: (a) Wraparound Plan of Care (current copy), (b) Crisis Management Plan (current copy), (c) Monthly Child and Family Team sign-in sheets (documenting MYPAC provider’s participation by evidence of the provider’s signature), and (d) Medication/Emergency Contact Information.

41.1.A: Each child/youth who receives both Wraparound Facilitation services and MYPAC services must have in the record: (a) Wraparound Plan of Care (current copy), (b) Crisis Management Plan (current copy), (c) Monthly Child and Family Team sign-in sheets (documenting MYPAC provider’s participation by evidence of the provider’s signature), and (d) Medication/Emergency Contact Information.

41.1.B: Wraparound facilitation is intended to serve: 1. Children/youth with serious mental health challenges who exceed the resources of a single agency provider or service provider; 2. Children/youth who experience multiple acute hospital stays; 3. Children/youth who are at risk of out-of-home placement or have been recommended for residential care;  4. Children/youth who have had interruptions in the delivery of services across a variety of agencies due to frequent moves; and, 5. Children/youth who have experienced failure to show improvement due to lack of previous coordination by agencies providing care, or for reasons unknown, can also be served through wraparound facilitation.

41.2.A.: Wraparound facilitation must be provided in accordance with high fidelity and quality wraparound practice. Wraparound is evaluated through fidelity measures, as determined by DMH.

41.2.C: In addition to complying with Rules 41.1 and 41.2, agency providers of wraparound facilitation must comply with the most recent version of the DMH Wraparound Agency Provider Registration Procedure and Operational Guidelines, which can be found on DMH’s website.

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