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Department of Mental Health Strategic Plan Draft for Review

MDMH Strategic Plan
Click to download the PDF of the Mississippi Department of Mental Health Strategic Plan draft.

Wendy Bailey, Administrative Services Deputy Executive Director for the Mississippi Department of Mental Health asked us to share the following update with all of you. Ms. Bailey can be reached at or 601-359-6251.

From Ms. Bailey:

Thank you to everyone who completed the Department of Mental Health Strategic Plan Feedback Survey in early April. We had more than 190 respondents! The feedback was used to make revisions for the DRAFT FY21 – FY23 Department of Mental Health Strategic Plan.

This includes revisions to community-based services in Goal 1 including intensive community supports, housing opportunities, and peer support. This also includes revisions in Goal 3 to workforce development and telehealth expansion. All changes in the attached draft document are in red.

We ask that you take a few more minutes to review the linked Mississippi Department of Mental Health Strategic Plan draft and provide feedback to the revisions. Below is the link to complete the feedback survey for the agency’s draft strategic plan It’s a very brief survey – only two questions.

Accomplishing outcomes in the strategic plan cannot happen without the continuing commitment and efforts of all the outcome leaders, peers, advocates, providers, and our community partners. Your input truly does make a difference.

The survey will close on Thursday, June 4 at 5 p.m. Please let me know if you have any problems. Thank you for all you do!

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