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Invitation to Exhibit at the MHSA Fall Leadership Institute
The Mississippi Head Start Association would like to invite your company to participate as an exhibitor at their upcoming Mississippi Head Start Association Fall Leadership Institute.
Teaming and Collaborating Part 3: Sharing What You Know with Professionals
Join MSPTI Project on November 15 from 10:30 am - 11 am and learn tips on how to share what you know about your child with professionals.
The Game Plan: (Dad’s Café)
When it comes to creating a strong family, what is the game plan? How do you prepare to be a good dad? Join our candid conversation about different strategies for a winning game plan.
Parent/Caregiver Peer Support Graduation
Please join us on November 15, 2024, at 1:00 p.m. to congratulate our newest parent-peer support graduates.