Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Advisory Committee
The EHDI AC advises the Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program. Families and professionals are encouraged to attend this regular meeting, and public comments may be shared during each meeting.
Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
Talk Lead with MELR and MSDH
It’s Lead Prevention Month! The Mississippi Early Learning Resources and the Mississippi Department of Health are coming together to discuss all you need to know about lead.
Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
Tips for Effective IEP Meetings: Before, During and After
It’s hard to remember everything you need to know for an IEP meeting. Learn steps to prepare before, during, and after the meeting.
Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
Greenwood-Leflore Autism Spectrum Society (GLASS) Parent Support Meeting
Adult Individuals diagnosed with ASD. Parents, supporters, and or individuals with an autism spectrum disorder or other disability.
Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
Board of Mental Health Meeting
The Department of Mental Health Regular Board meeting will be held Virtually on February 20, 2024, at 9:00 am.