Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Week

As individuals, social justice means accepting each person for who they are – celebrating and embracing the diversity of our fellow man. It means accepting every member of our communities – welcoming their participation and contributions in all groups. At the system level, it means accepting that each person has their own unique strengths and goals - shaping supports and resources to be responsive to each person’s dreams.

Peer Support Training

Parent peer support is a parent/caregiver or using their lived experience to support others going through similar experiences.

Spring 2024 MS Division of Medicaid Beneficiary Workshops

Welcome to your special invitation to the Spring 2024 MS Division of Medicaid Beneficiary Workshops for the Week 2 series of May 14th, 2024. Receive important information
about your benefits and get
your questions answered.

Madres y Padres Presentes

Acompáñanos a conocer algunos aspectos básicos del acompañamiento de hijas e hijos en las diferentes etapas de la vida… Desde la primera infancia hasta la madurez.