Mississippi Autism Advisory Committee

The MAAC’s mission is “to study, make recommendations and develop a strategic plan on how best to educate and train students with ASD.

Getting and Keeping the First Job

Participants will learn the importance of disability self-awareness, how families can help youth with career planning, and strategies to navigate resumes, job interviews, and job accommodations. Particular attention is paid to the role of families in the career exploration and job hunting process.

Leadership Coaching and Policy Discussion

This group will focus on opportunities for leadership training graduates to serve on decision-making groups, provide coaching guidance.

Suicide Prevention & Postvention

This event aims to bring awareness to suicide and ways the community, professionals and stakeholders can help one. 

Drop In Family Support Time

This hour is open for any family member to drop in for all or some of the time to share any concerns or get feedback from others about handling different situations.

Family Connections

Learn how you and your family can stay “present” during times of uncertainty and increasing stress with Dana Asby.