ABLE Town Hall Meeting

First Baptist Church of Madison 2100 Main St., Madison, MS, United States

ABLE accounts allow those with disabilities to save money without affecting or canceling their much-needed government benefits.

Independent Living: Here We Come!

Explore a skills checklist to help parents and youth know where they are and info needed to work on in their journey to independent living.

What is LFPP and How Can It Help You?

Learn about the work of the Family Voices Leadership in Family and Professional Partnerships program and how to access resources & offerings.

Mississippi Autism Advisory Committee

The MAAC’s mission is “to study, make recommendations and develop a strategic plan on how best to educate and train students with ASD.

Getting and Keeping the First Job

Participants will learn the importance of disability self-awareness, how families can help youth with career planning, and strategies to navigate resumes, job interviews, and job accommodations. Particular attention is paid to the role of families in the career exploration and job hunting process.