Mississippi State Interagency Coordinating Council
The MSICC advises and assists the MSDH First Steps Early Intervention Program.
The Family Role in Transition Planning
Learn the importance of self-advocacy, and what families/parents can do to help youth with planning for the future.
988 and What it means for Families of People with Serious Mental Illness
Experts will explain the national rollout of 988, and how families and people with serious mental illness are involved.
Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join other parents for a monthly meeting and online gathering to coach and support other parents in any system.
Mississippi Council on Developmental Disabilities
Mississippi's State Agencies are required to post notices of regular meetings on the Mississippi Public Meeting Notices Website.
Parental Consent in Special Education
Join the MSPTI to learn about parental consent, when it will be necessary, and what happens if consent isn't given.
Peer Support Training
The Peer Support Specialist Professional Supervisor Training is designed for agency administration/management and CPSSP Supervisors.
Navigating the IEP: Part 1
Join the MSPTI for part one in a series that will help you understand how to navigate the journey of IEP process.
Request, Referral, and Consent
Join the MSPTI and learn what you need to know and how to use the information as you advocate for your child.
Virtual: Bring Your IEP and Other School Questions
This hour is open for any family member to drop in for all or some of the time to ask questions or get feedback about IEP issues.