Drop In Family Support Time

This hour is open for any family member to drop in for all or some of the time to share any concerns or get feedback from others about handling different situations.

Children’s Mental Health Summit

The Children's Mental Health Summit is Thursday, May 12 and Friday, May 13 at the Sheraton Flowood The Refuge Hotel & Conference Center.

Peer Support Training

The Peer Support Specialist Professional Supervisor Training is designed for agency administration/management and CPSSP Supervisors.

Mississippi Autism Advisory Committee

The Mississippi Autism Advisory Committee The Mississippi Autism Advisory Committee (MAAC) was created by House Bill 11252 (2011 Regular Session) as the Legislature recognized an urgent need for strategies on how to best identify, treat, educate, accommodate and employ people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and assist their families. The MAAC’s mission is “to study, […]