Virtual Support Group – April 15

Any parent or caregiver of a child with a behavioral challenge is welcome to join us on the first and third Thursday of each month. During the month of April, groups will focus on dealing with IEPs and other school issues. There will be time to talk about anything else the group would like to […]

Families As Allies Board Meeting

Quarterly board meeting of the board of Families as Allies. All meetings are open to the public and include time for public comments. Public comments can also be emailed to or faxed to 601-355-0919. Register Here >>

ADA, Olmstead and EPSDT – What Do All These Things Mean to Me?

Nobody knows their children better or is more devoted to advocating for them than their families. This webinar gives families a layperson's overview of civil rights laws related to mental health and Medicaid and what those laws mean about helping children be able to live in their homes and communities. Register here>>

Autism Screening Day

If you or your child's physician, child care provider, or pre- k teacher has concerns about your child's development, you do not want to miss this event. MECIC is hosting a Virtual Autism Screening Day on April 19th: To register for a screening day, please call 601-266-4745. To learn more visit

Working for Change: Using the Power of a Personal Story

Mississippi Parent Training & Information Center Project Systems change is about improving access to services and supports for children with disabilities and their families. This training was developed to help parents become “system change agents” to achieve this goal. This training will help parents explore what advocacy is, why changing systems is important and how […]

State of Babies Yearbook: 2021

Zero to Three. Early connections last a lifetime. Learn about the data. Hear from experts. Join the conversation. Take action to support. Join experts and advocates on April 22, 2021, at 2pm ET for our State of Babies Yearbook 2021 Baby Summit. We’re looking forward to a robust, solution-oriented conversation around our findings, telling stories […]

Steps for Success: Making IEP Meetings Work

Mississippi Parent Training & Information Center Project Do you often leave your child's IEP meeting feeling as if your concerns were not heard or addressed and that nothing has changed? You may be missing one of the steps covered in this training. Join us to learn how you can avoid some of the most common […]

Family Support for Behavioral Health Across the Lifespan Series Session 1

The National Family Support Technical Assistance Center The National Family Support Technical Assistance Center invites caregivers, family peer support specialists, and other members of the mental health and substance use workforce to this 3-part series on how family members can support children who experience mental health and/or substance use challenges during their lifetime. Join subject […]

What is a System of Care and How Do MAP Teams Help Families?

The term "System of Care" is often used to describe mental health approaches and is actually mandated in Mississippi state law. This webinar explains from a family perspective what local "Making a Plan" (MAP) teams are and how they are designed to help children with serious mental health challenges stay in their homes and communities. […]