Multicultural Perspectives for the Mental Health Professional
Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources’ Crossover Xpand SOC program would like to invite you to attend our Cultural and Linguistic Competency Lunch and Learn Series continuing on March 5, 2021. Multicultural Perspectives for the Mental Health Professional Featuring Dr. Linda Vasquez Linguistic Competence is the capacity of an organization and its personnel to communicate […]
Families, Make Your Voices Heard: An Introduction to Advocacy Webinar
The National Family Support Technical Assistance Center (NFSTAC) and Partnership to End Addiction invite you to join us to learn how you can advocate for policies that support families and individuals impacted by mental health and substance use. Make your voices heard! Register here:
Virtual Family Support Meeting
Open to any parent or caregiver raising a child—we’re here to check in with each other, discuss problems and concerns and support one another.
Social Justice Symposium
Counselors for Social Justice at Mississippi State University Inaugural Social Justice Symposium The 2021 Social Justice Symposium aims to create a safe, interactive educational experience that promotes self-reflection that leads to critical analysis of social justice concerns and a deeper understanding of the advocacy mandates in helping professions. The symposium is a virtual event, occurring […]
What Can I Do To Support My Child’s Mental Health?
This webinar recognizes the importance of families to their children’s development and gives helpful tips on how parents can support their children’s behavioral health as children grow and mature. It also gives practical information about trauma and other issues that can impact children’s emotional development. Families, those who work with families, and those who care […]
Social Justice Symposium
Counselors for Social Justice at Mississippi State University Inaugural Social Justice Symposium The 2021 Social Justice Symposium aims to create a safe, interactive educational experience that promotes self-reflection that leads to critical analysis of social justice concerns and a deeper understanding of the advocacy mandates in helping professions. The symposium is a virtual event, occurring […]
Building Protective Factors to Buffer Stress and Promote Parent Well-being
This webinar will explore how we can nurture and replenish ourselves. Using the Strengthening Families™ Protective Factors Framework as a lens, we will identify practical self-care strategies that help us build protective factors that help to buffer stress and promote well-being.
Steps for Success: Making IEP Meetings Work
Do you often leave your child's IEP meeting feeling as if your concerns were not heard or addressed and that nothing has changed? You may be missing one of the steps covered in this training. Join the Mississippi Parent Training and Information Center to learn how you can avoid some of the most common hurdles […]
Working for Change: Using the Power of a Personal Story
Systems change is about improving access to services and supports for children with disabilities and their families. This training was developed to help parents become “system change agents” to achieve this goal. This training will help parents explore what advocacy is, why changing systems is important and how to use the power of their personal […]
Supportive Coaching for Parents Supporting Other Parents
Join us via Zoom for our monthly Coaching and Support session for parents who are supporting other parents in any system.