NAMIWalks Oxford

NAMI Oxford NAMIWalks participants like you don't just walk the walk. You are the walk.  NAMIWalks is about people who think nothing of giving everything - their time, stories, and heartfelt dedication to the cause: Mental Health for All.  Now it's your turn to step forward.  To join our caring community or to welcome new friends.  Accept the challenge and […]

National Public Lands Day

In honor of National Public Lands Day, join us in celebrating with a special event under the theme "Together for Tomorrow through Health and Community."

Purple Shine Walk: Shine Your Light Against Domestic Violence

This walk is a FREE, non-competitive walk against the devastating effects of domestic violence in our communities. This is a positive event to help shine the light on the topic of abuse in hopes of ending a vicious cycle.

Children’s Mental Health Conference

professional and support staff, educators, and advocates to heal through understanding using trauma-informed strategies. If you're passionate about children's mental health, advocacy, or foster care, we want to hear from you!

Independence, Here We Come!

Preparing for independent living is an exciting time in any youth's journey towards adulthood. For youth with disabilities and their families this is a time filed with questions and challenges.