Leadership Coaching and Policy Discussion
This group focuses on understanding current policy issues and also opportunities for leadership training graduates to serve on decision-making committees.
Leadership Coaching and Policy Discussion
This group focuses on understanding current policy issues and also opportunities for leadership training graduates to serve on decision-making committees.
Navigating the New Normal: Youth Mental Health in a Post-Covid World
The COVID-19 pandemic has profoundly impacted youth mental health, creating unprecedented challenges and reshaping the support systems youth depend on.
Navigating the New Normal: Youth Mental Health Post-Covid
This expert panel will examine how COVID has shaped youth mental health needs and present actionable solutions for addressing this evolving landscape.
Early Intervention: Due Process
This training will cover due process complaints and due process hearings for agencies that have adopted IDEA Part C procedures.
Growing the Connection: Promoting Meaningful Family-School Partnerships
Building relationships based on mutual trust and two-way communication results in school and family partnerships that create strong academic and social/emotional support systems to foster success for all students.
Technology Roundtable: Navigating Mental Health in a Digital World
A Town Hall Discussion to explore the impact of technology and screen time on youth mental health and well-being.
Early Childhood Capitol Day
The sixth annual Early Childhood Capitol Day will be held on Tuesday, January 11th.
Partners in Care: Nurturing Identity and Healing in the Foster System
Sessions will explore the unique challenges faced by foster youth, including maintaining a sense of belonging and identity, as well as the critical role of therapy and mental health supports
The Impact of Houselessness on the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Children, Youth & Families
This panel discussion will explore the impact of houselessness on the mental health and wellbeing of children, youth, and families,