Two books aimed at helping parents and kids cope with COVID-19 in a mentally healthy way can be downloaded now for free.
“My Hero is You” is a book published by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, or IASC. The United Nations committee brings together 18 different organizations to coordinate global crisis response.
The book, which you can download in English here (visit this page at the IASC for other languages), is designed for parents to read with their children.
In the book, Sara meets Ario, a flying dragon who takes her on a journey around the world to teach kids the rules and guidance for slowing the spread of the coronavirus. The storybook format allows parents and kids to read the story together and discuss the effects of the virus and ways to cope with COVID-19.
“Over 1,700 children, parents, caregivers, and teachers from around the world took the time to share with us how they were coping with the COVID-19 pandemic,” the IASC wrote on their website. “This is a story developed for and by children around the world.”
The other book, “What Happens When the Coronavirus Changes Everything?” is a free book you can download here (donations are welcome) written and illustrated by Sara Olsher.
The book follows Stinkerpants and her stuffed giraffe Stuart as they teach kids the science behind the coronavirus, along with the logic behind social distancing and the reasons for stay-at-home orders. It also gives kids some advice on how to cope with COVID-19 and handle the stress of staying at home (finding a quiet place, doing something active, and having a plan for each day).
Both are engaging children’s books that allow you to discuss coronavirus and its implications with your kids. Plus, they teach the guidelines for slowing the spread and give ideas you can all refer to when things get hectic around the house. And they’re free!
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