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Mental Health Acceptance: Making Sure Policies Affecting Our Families Are Just

During May, we presented a series of webinars highlighting the theme of Children’s Mental Health Acceptance Week: “Lighting the Path to Social Justice for Children and Youth.”

Each webinar reflected these values:

1. We should seek equity at every level of society.

2. Ensuring that all members of our society are physically and psychologically safe and secure.

3. Giving every person the opportunity to live up to their full potential.

4. Supporting one another to live meaningful, purposeful lives.

In this webinar, we discuss how we can ensure that policies that affect our children and families reflect these values. We explore the meaning of family-driven practice and the importance of moving from mental health awareness to mental health acceptance.

We then discuss how families can improve their children’s lives and the lives of all children in the community by knowing policies and helping to make and enforce them. You can view the webinar recording here and also download the slides.

View the webinar here:

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