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National Federation of Families Receives Award for National Family Support Technical Assistance Center

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A new Family Support Technical Assistance Center will be made possible by a grant to the federation that we’re a part of, the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently announced that the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health received the award to oversee the first-ever national Family Support Technical Assistance Center (Fam-CoE).

SAMHSA “recognizes both the critical role families play in addressing mental and substance use disorders and the toll such disorders take on families across the country. ” SAMHSA also explains that “The Fam-CoE will focus on training and education of the general public and healthcare practitioners on the importance of family supports and services and the integration of these services into mental and substance-use disorder treatment programs. The Fam-CoE will also provide much-needed resources and education directly for families.”

Families as Allies is proud to be Mississippi’s state chapter of the National Federation of Families for Children’s Health and excited to support this new initiative.

“This is a tremendous opportunity to move family-driven practice forward across the country,” said Joy Hogge, executive director of Families as Allies and a board member of the National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health. “Families as Allies is delighted that the Center’s goals align so well with our efforts to support state systems in family-driven practice and our work to establish parent peer support across systems in keeping with national standards and best practices.”

“I cannot wait to see the opportunities the Center presents for all of us to work together to create a family-driven system of care for children in Mississippi,” she continued.

You can read more about the Center here.

[Photo by Mike Scheid on Unsplash]

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