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Reflecting on World Mental Health Day

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This past Monday, October 10, was World Mental Health Day 2022. Each year the World Health Organization (WHO) coordinates World Mental Health Day. This year’s theme was “Make Mental Health & Well-being for All a Global Priority.” The WHO stressed that there were challenges to mental health before 2020, and the global impact of COVID-19 created even more challenges.

The WHO shared:

“We must deepen the value and commitment we give to mental health as individuals, communities and governments and match that value with more commitment, engagement and investment by all stakeholders across all sectors. We must strengthen mental health care so that the full spectrum of mental health needs is met through a community-based network of accessible, affordable and quality services and supports.”

“Stigma and discrimination continue to be a barrier to social inclusion and access to the right care; importantly, we can all play our part in increasing awareness about which preventive mental health interventions work and World Mental Health Day is an opportunity to do that collectively. We envision a world in which mental health is valued, promoted and protected; where everyone has an equal opportunity to enjoy mental health and to exercise their human rights; and where everyone can access the mental health care they need. ”

Families as Allies is committed to all children having the mental health care and support they need to do well in their homes, schools and communities. These are our priorities as we do that work. We want to hear from you how we are doing and if there are other things we should focus on:

  • The places children already are, such as schools, child care settings and doctor’s offices and clinics, have the correct information to help families know if their child might have a disability and help them get more support if they need it.
  • In the places where children already are, people working there have the resources to help families with their children, including backup and support from mental health professionals when needed.
  • Children stay in their homes, classrooms, primary care settings and communities, and, as much as possible, help and services are brought to them.
  • When children need more support than the people already in their lives can provide, there is someone who can help families find whatever type of support they think will be most helpful from wherever they want. That person shouldn’t feel pressured to offer services from any particular agency.
  • Families can choose from a wide array of services and supports shown to work; each family plan is unique.
  • Families have input into planning for their children and the programs, policies and systems for all children.
  • Families and others routinely and objectively evaluate services and supports to ensure they are helpful.

Last week was Mental Illness Awareness Week. Please check out our daily blogs from last week if you missed them:

[Photo courtesy]

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