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Save the Dates: Events in July 2020

  • Post category:News

In July, we want to learn from families what would be most supportive to you as you plan for your children’s return to school and you think through all the issues related to COVID. Our July virtual family support groups will focus on what you want and need to help your child make this transition safely,  and we will also be gathering your feedback through surveys and phone calls.

We will also have some special activities to support families of young children, including two webinars we are doing in partnership with the Mississippi Parent Training Information Center. Registration will be available soon on MS PTI’s site. These are the webinars:

July 2  –  Supporting and Advocating with Families of Young Children

This webinar gives an overview of some of the challenges families face when their very young (0-8) children start to show emotional and behavioral challenges, as well as practical approaches to supporting families in this situation. Barriers that make it hard for families to recognize challenges and find support will be discussed, along with ways to address these barriers in partnership with families. Ways that Families as Allies has used lessons learned to make its work more responsive to families of young children will also be addressed.  
July 9 – Supporting the Social/Emotional Health of Young Children
Mental health, just like physical health, can be nurtured in children from a very young age. This webinar gives practical tips on supporting young children’s emotional development and recognizing when young children might need more support. Resources for finding support will be discussed, as will supporting young children during crises like the COVID pandemic.

In addition, we will be offering Leadership Training specifically for families of young children on July 21, 23, 28 and 30 from 10:00- 11:30.  Watch our website, Facebook and newsletters for registration details.

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