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Take This Survey to Help Youth with Special Healthcare Needs Transition to Adulthood

The issue of youth with special care needs (YSHCN) aging out of public support problems is important, particularly Black YSHCN. We invite you to participate in a survey by The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health. This survey addresses the barriers, inequities, and policy options for low-income YSHCN as they age out of public programs. Your voice matters, and participating in this survey can help shape the future of health care for transition-aged YSHCN.

The aging out process poses challenges for YSHCN as they lose their child eligibility status in major public programs such as Medicaid, CHIP, SSI, and Title V Programs. The National Alliance seeks to shed light on the disruptions and barriers faced by YSHCN during this transition. They hope to identify state and federal policy and program strategies that ensure equitable access to adult public program benefits. Mississippi is one of only five states in this study.

The project, funded by the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health, spans over two years and involves a needs assessment that focuses on access inequities among Black YSHCN through a five-state study. Additionally, the National Alliance will oversee an environmental scan to examine policy and program strategies for each major public program. This collaboration will share findings through articles, program briefs, and presentations to raise awareness and advocate for necessary changes.

Your participation in this short survey is crucial. Either parents or youth can take the survey. By sharing your insights and experiences, you contribute to valuable research that will shape policy and program changes for YSHCN as they age out of public programs. We can ensure access to health coverage and care for transition-aged YSHCN. To learn more about the project, see the flyer here. If you have any questions, feel free to contact our team.

Regardless of their healthcare needs, we believe every young person deserves a smooth transition into adulthood with continued access to necessary support. Join us in shaping policy and program changes to create a more inclusive and supportive society for all YSHCN. Together, we can make a difference and improve the lives of transition-aged YSHCN.

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