I’m very excited to let everyone know about two new activities that Families as Allies launched in February and that will be happening every month.
I’m very excited to let everyone know about two new activities that Families as Allies launched in February and that will be happening every month.
The first thing is we are doing coaching and support for any parent who is doing parent-to-parent peer support in any system. So, lead family contacts, parent peer-support specialists, parent consultants in healthcare systems are all welcome to join us on the third Wednesday of every month, from noon until one. You can either come to our office and have some lunch with us or join us virtually. That gives all those parents a time to support each other. And then we also do supportive coaching and mentoring with the families who participate.
And then on the fourth Wednesday of each month at noon, we’re doing webinars. And they will always have something to do with a way to support families in supporting their children or making changes in the system that make things better for our children. Those are open to everyone. And this month we’ll be doing one about supporting your child’s behavioral health and things you can do as a parent.
We invite all of you to join us! Visit our online calendar for more information.