Welcome to our New and Improved Website

Dear Parents, Caregivers and Friends of Families as Allies:

Welcome to our new and improved website. We’ve worked very hard to make it a helpful tool for you. 

The goal of this website is the same as the mission of our organization: to make sure families are partners in their children’s care.  We hope that every family visiting the site finds helpful information for their own child and also ideas for how families can work together to make things better for ALL of our children.  We encourage families to take a few minute to join Families as Allies during their visit.  For our visitors who are not family members, we want this site to be a useful resource for you as you work with families and we all work together to improve our systems for our children.

You will notice interactive surveys and comments so that feedback from all of our visitors can be used to translate our vision, that all children will have the opportunity to reach their potential and be successful, into a reality.  Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts with us. We will regularly report to you both what you tell us and the outcomes of our work based on your feedback.

Finally, this site makes it easier for us to raise funds to support this important work.  Any family raising a child with a mental health challenge is welcome to be part of our organization and will not be charged or pressured to donate.  For those families and friends who are in a position to donate, we encourage you to do so.  A strong and diversified funding base allows us to work in partnership with our donors, grant sources and contractors but remain accountable to the children of Mississippi with mental health challenges and their families and stay singularly focused on our mission.

I look forward to your feedback and suggestions about our new website.  You can comment within the site itself or contact me at 601-355-0915 or jhogge@faams.org.  Working together, we can make things better for every child.  I am grateful for each and every one of you.

Joy Hogge, Executive Director of Families as Allies

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